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Un monde nouveau vous appelle
  • Malitel


 Content Editor

​Dear customer, Dear Internet user,

It is with a lot of pleasure that we welcome you on the SOTELMA/MALITEL Website.

Mindful of being always closer to you, and thus offering you the best services, we have made available to you this Website which contents will permanently be adapted to companies and residentials expectations and needs.

Proud of our customer base of more than 7 million subscribers benefiting from services of landlines and mobile telephony as well as the access to the Internet, through this site, we want to inform and serve you better about our products and services in order to meet your expectations.
The services offered by the SOTELMA/MALITEL are the most diversified and on the edge the technologies of information and the communication. We are able today to meet with the requirements of our customers in a more targeted and more personalized way.

For that purpose, offers a Residential access for all B2C offers and a B2B access for professionals.

Designed also in the form of an interactive showcase, the website will maintain the dialogue and a permanent contact with the users. To reach this objective we provided you with the necessary tools to express your remarks and your online needs.

We invite you from now on to discover and enjoy our new website.